What is a Family Disaster Dog?
A family disaster dog is your family pet of any age, breed or size that learns how to help you and your family in the event of a missing loved one, a natural disaster or other emergency.
This type of training for dogs has not been done before and this is the only web site of its kind that teaches you how to train your pet to be your own search and rescue dog. Please pass this valuable information onto friends and loved ones.
After the earthquake hit Japan, I realized what a great asset our family dogs could be if they were to learn a few search dog skills.
Having trained quite a few volunteer fire fighters with their pets in person while I was active with my Bloodhounds I know these skills can be learned very easily by anybody at home after they are given some instructions.
As a writer, I decided to write the book, Family Disaster Dogs then I realized the book would take time and I wanted to reach more people worldwide with these lessons so everybody has a chance to teach their dogs to rescue them.
At the same time, I feel that these lessons are priceless.
I can't put a price on saving peoples lives and the credit should go to the dog not me.
For those reasons, this site was born to offer on-site free lessons to the world over that instruct dog owners how they can use their family pet in times of distress.
When we think back over history we can see how dogs have helped people since the beginning of time and there is no reason why your dog can't learn a few simple skills to help you today.
Your family dog does not have to graduate from a full course to be able to help you, they don't need to be young or learn a whole set of skills to be able to come to your aid but every skill you learn together might save your life.
The best part is that most of these lessons I posted here come naturally to our dogs, just watch the old television show called "Lassie" and you will see what I mean.
All you need to learn is how to ask your dog to help, how to follow your dog and how to pack your dog with emergency supplies in what is called a go-bag or bug-out bag.
The amazing benefits are that your family disaster dog can help rescuers by saving time because your dog is on location at the time of the incident.
Professional Search dogs have to be called-in to service and often arrive from out of the area because there are very few available dogs.
Waiting for rescuers and outside help takes time but your dog is there already, by your side, tail wagging and ready to help.
Additionally with this training, at least one family member is trained in the basic SAR techniques with the family dog so they can help their own family and friends while awaiting outside response.
Another benefit of having your dog trained to help you in an emergency is that if your neighborhood is cut off from outside help (which happens) then you can help your own loved ones and neighbors.

This site can help you in all areas of setting up your own dog and friend's dogs to assist in any disaster or missing person incident.
If a loved one wanders away and gets lost, you can ask your dog to find them. If your family is camping, take your dog.
Very few people get lost with dogs with them and if anybody wanders off the trail then you can ask your Family Disaster Dog to go find them.
All you have to do is read the lessons page and pick a lesson to learn with your dog and have fun with your pet.
For instance, if you were to play hide and seek with the children and your dog without reading the lesson.
You are unknowingly training your dog to find and rescue your family.
That is how easy this training can be.
Coming next will be advanced lessons in search dog skills, along with survival dog skills where you can learn how your dog can help you survive after a disaster when you might be cut off from resourses.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
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