Obedience Tricks and Tips
Sit, Come,
Walk Nice,
Pay Attention
Stop Pulling
Before we get started on training your dog search and rescue skills lets go over some obedience tricks and tips that can help you control a hard to handle dog or teach a new puppy manners on a leash.
These tips and tricks can teach any dog how to behave on a leash in a few sessions.
These Obedience tricks and tips are for you to use to teach your family dog to be a well mannered member of your pack without having to attend an obedience training course.
These basic obedience commands and lessons are intended to help teach you how to control and handle your dog in order for you to train your pet to assist you during an emergency.
If you have any problem handling your dog or getting your dog to pay attention when you are training search tactics then use these obedience lessons to teach your dog to pay attention to you and to follow your directions.
I’m a firm believer in following the Bloodhound and any other breed who is trailing naturally. For this reason, I do not believe in strict obedience training of trailing dogs but I do believe that tracking and air scenting dogs should undergo advanced obedience training. My mantrailing dogs are trained manners and basic commands, like sit, come, stay, walk nice on a leash but not the strict heel that other breeds do.
The reason is that we follow a trailing dog’s direction but a tracking dog follows our direction or commands. (By now you should know the difference between a trailing dog and tracking dog, if not,
You can learn more about mantrailing and tracking dogs in my book below. (<< click)
Obedience training discourages a dog to run ahead and perform on natural instincts that I want them to use to find a person.
Obedience training teaches our dogs to pay attention to us, to look at us for what to do next and I do not want my Bloodhound to depend on me to tell them where to go.
I want my Bloodhound running ahead showing me where to go. Mantrailing dogs need to be accustomed to working in any area a person may go through or hide or sleep in. Including storm drains, culverts, windows, garbage dumps, etc.
On the other hand, I do want to tell an area search or air scenting dog, for instance a German Shepherd, what area to look in or which room to stay out of or to go into.
I always train search dogs how to climb in and out of windows, up and down ladders and into tunnels so they can get into rubble and debris to search for a person.
Air scenting dogs need directions to perform the feats they are asked to do. They undergo obedience training before and during search training.
They constantly learn as I do with each dog how to use their skills to achieve the swiftest most effective results.
Dogs learn faster if the lessons are short and to the point.
Training your dog twice a day for 15 minutes will bring better results then once a day for a longer time frame.
Dogs have short attention spans; many dogs get bored quickly if the task is not exciting. Dogs do not learn when they are bored.
Read the lesson about collars before you do these lessons. There is a proper way to use a choke chain or slip collar that does not hurt the dog. The chain pinch or prong collars will over time injury a dog, especially if not used correctly. These collars do not come with instructions and many many people use them incorrectly.
These lessons are done using either a flat collar or a regular choke chain collar and 6 ft leash unless otherwise stated. Off leash dogs can learn from these lessons too with praise and encouragement.
These dog training tricks and tips are not the ordinary class room techniques you find in dog training books or classes. These tips and tricks are proven methods for handling a dog.
In order to train a dog, the exercises have to be repeated and rewarded time and time again. Always praise the dog with a happy tone a voice when they are doing well. Encouragement is a great motivator.
No dog learns immediately, although I can get immediate results using these handling techniques, the dog has not learned the positioning I want. They have only been placed in the position I want through the use of the leash and my body movement.
Heel or Walk Nice on a Leash
without Pulling
am going to share with you a trick for teaching a dog to walk nice on a leash
that is not known to many dog trainers.
This trick was taught to me over thirty
years ago.
I start every dog I train for anything, other
then a Bloodhound, with this lesson.
lesson teaches a dog to pay attention to the handler and at the same time, how
to respond to a leash.
Consequently the dog ends up on our left side because
that is where we put the dog by handling the leash in the correct manner.
a dog is not the same as training a dog and many dog trainers have never been
taught how to handle an animal, only how to train one.
dog can be heeling within 30 minutes by using this lesson correctly.
dog can be walked nicely after using this lesson correctly once.
the dog to remember to walk nice every time they are on a leash, the lesson
must be repeated a few times on different days in different locations.
this lesson with a 20 ft leash to teach a dog to pay attention to you.
this lesson for dogs that pull on a leash when you walk them.
This lesson takes space, a open field or park works best.
You may have to read this lesson twice because I generally show this lesson to students in person because the steps can seem confusing.
Teach a dog to Pay Attention
To teach a dog to pay attention to you, put them in a flat collar that will not slip off the head and on a 20 ft long leash. Then allow the dog to roam wherever they want.
You will walk in a different direction then the dog and only gently pull on the leash when the dog reaches the end of it.
You do not speak to the dog but let the leash do the work of bringing the dog up behind you as you gently pull only one time when they reach the end of the leash.
Do not continue to pull the dog, the dog should be able to roam free except when they reach the end of the 20 ft leash and you turn which snaps them to attention as the leash tightens during your turn.
After a few turns the dog will usually hurry up to avoid the end of the leash and start watching where you are so they know when the leash stops.
Once the dog is near you then let all the leash out again and let the dog go where they please.
You walk in another direction until one you is at the end of the leash then again you will turn and pull the dog as you walk in a different direction.
The dog is gently reminded by the leash to follow you without you saying anything.
Do not give the dog any attention yet. They are learning to watch you without you speaking.
Continue doing this until your dog is paying attention. It will only take about 15 minutes.
Do not speak to your
dog, let your dog go where it pleases as your turn and go the other direction.
Let the entire leash out as you walk off and when you reach the end of the leash
allow the leash to pull or bring your dog in the direction you went.
Let the leash and
collar work for you instead of controlling you.
Keep walking when your
dog reaches the end of the leash and soon your dog will be coming up behind you in
this new direction.
Do not turn and follow your dog but let your dog be reminded when they hit the end of the leash.
Soon, your dog will be trying to catch up to you instead of you
trying to catch up with them.
Do this over and over
again by walking about 20-30 feet as you let out the leash to give your dog the
lead, when the dog reaches the end of the leash or if they are not paying attention then you will turn right or left to walk off bringing the dog behind you..
Your dog will get closer and closer to you each time.
After a few times, your dog will be following you instead of you following
At this point hold more
of the 20 ft leash, about 10 ft and do the same.
Walk then turn, walk quickly in
another direction which will bring your dog around behind you closer to you then
they came before on the longer leash.
As your dog catches up
to you bring in the rest of the leash in to hold and as your dog passes you to get
in front of you again where they like to pull, turn and go in the other
Repeat using 10 ft of the leash until your dog is staying within 10 ft of you or closer.
Gather up the leash and Only let out about 6 ft
of the leash this time.
The leash should always be loose and never tight except when the dog reaches the end of it.
It is up to you to keep the leash loose by waiting to turn when the dog reaches the end, as the dog turns the leash loosens as the dog comes to catch up.
If they go to far the leash tightens and you feel the dog hit the end of it, you turn and feel the slack as they catch up. These steps do take practice on your part and you get better at handling dogs as you practice.
Advancing to Heel or Walk at Side
Repeat the walking/turning steps again using 6 ft of the leash.
Your dog will
soon stay within 6 ft of you and they will be paying attention to when you will
Now you put your dog next to your side and do the same
exercise on 2 ft of the leash, making smaller tighter circles with your dog on
your side.
Now you tell your dog what a good dog they are as you walk together and you use can use the obedience command "heel" to teach your dog the word to associate with walking next to your side.
After a few times, your dog is heeling nicely on your left
side, near your leg.
When you are finished walking your dog, ready to snap off the leash tell your dog how good they are and say to them, "Ok, time off, or go play" when you release them so they know they can go do their own thing without watching your every step.
Depending on the size and
strength of your dog be careful how tight you hold the leash.
If your dog does not
bolt off in a run when you place them on the 20 ft leash do the lesson during a daily walk
on a 6ft leash.
Any time your dog goes after something and pulls you, you can do this turn and go the other direction maneuver to hold your dog away from what they want.
This works especially well for the dog who pulls you down the sidewalk or if your dog is one who never pays attention and is getting into mischief while on a walk you can prevent and correct this behavior by turning and walking quickly in a different direction.
If your dog is one who
blots off at a run or pulls you full blast down the street wherever they want to go then this is the lesson your dog needs.
If you have a large
strong dog that will bolt ahead of you when they come from behind you then be prepared to
turn and go in another direction when your dog runs past you. Repeat the above
A large strong dog may
pull you hard if they are at a full run, be prepared for this and when they
reach the end of the leash they may hit it hard, some dogs may become airborne
if they are determined runners.
They will only do this
once or twice before they stop and pay attention to where you are. They will
not hurt themselves even if it looks like they might because a person can’t
hold the leash hard enough with a large strong dog for the dog to get hurt, a
person’s arm will flex with the power of the hit.
You might get hurt trying
to hold a large dog who wants to run. If you have any trouble, you can control
the dog by turning and walking in the other direction as instructed above.
Never tie the leash to
a solid surface because the dog can hurt its neck or back.
Small dog and Puppy Caution
Caution: The first time or two that you try this lesson with dogs under 35 lbs and young dogs be careful they do not hit the end of the leash hard enough to flip over.
Smaller and young dogs generally do not hit the end of the leash as forceful as large dogs do but if they are running full
blast without paying attention to you or the leash, and if they have never been on a leash before, they might run without realizing they are on a leash and collar. You have to be extremely careful that they do not hit the end of the leash hard
enough to be flipped.
Teaching a dog and puppy to wear a collar and leash
After a hour or two of wearing the collar then attach the leash and follow the dog around without any force or pressure from you until they are use to being held by the leash.
Be careful how tight you hold the leash depending on the
size and age of the dog.
This lesson should be
done gently with puppies and very small dogs on a leash that is the dog’s size
with a flat non-tightening collar.
Teaching your dog to Come when Called and Sit
One of the most asked questions in dog training is;
how do I train my dog to come?
This is one of the most important actions your dog should learn.
Calling your dog to you may save your dog's life if they are running into traffic.
You will never be as fast as your dog on foot so forget about chasing a dog, other then to keep them in sight or out of harm's way by stopping the cars.
If there's no traffic or a harmful situation in the nearby area and your dog will not come to you, turn around with your back to your dog and walk away calling your dog to go "along" with you.
You are not telling the dog to come to you but to go along with you. Use a toy or dog treat to get their attention.
If there's no traffic or a harmful situation in the nearby area and your dog will not come to you, turn around with your back to your dog and walk away calling your dog to go "along" with you.
You are not telling the dog to come to you but to go along with you. Use a toy or dog treat to get their attention.
If you make this really interesting like "oh let's see this" and stop to pick at something on the ground, throw a leaf or two, toss some gravel in the air, or dance around a little. You can even run a few steps to make your dog wonder what you are doing and come to see.
Gotcha kido! Gently reach out, pet your dog and praise them for coming.
Do NOT then lead your dog away like you are mad at them.
Make sure your dog knows how happy you are that they joined you in seeing what was going on and they'll be more excited to come see next time, lots of petting and good dog praise.
When you feed your dog always make sure to incorporate the word "come" with the dog’s name. If they sit near by, take them out of the room before and until you have the food ready then bring the dog back in by saying , "come”, using their name, ” lets eat".
Another time to reinforce come is when the dog is running around the yard, practice calling them to you in a playful, encouraging way. Squat down at first so you are at the dog’s level and not as threatening.
Praise and pet, praise, praise.
Always make come the most enjoyable experience your dog has with you and they'll look forward to coming to you.
Never ever, ever call a dog to you and punish them.
If a dog is doing something bad, like chewing a sock or getting into the trash, one of the best ways to stop them is to get their toy and say "hey, look what I have."
Play with their toy and see how long they stay with your sock.
Doggie will want the toy you have because you make what you are doing more fun the what they are doing.
Put your sock away, give them their toy instead and play a little with them to show them this makes you happy.
Keep in mind the floor is the dog's world.
You live above them other then your feet, most everything on the floor they may think of as their own until they learn what belongs to you.
Your dog might think you left that sock there just for him and wasn't that nice of you.
He'll wonder how come you came in and all of a sudden yelled at him.
Why did you take his sock away, some friend you are.
Always make come the best thing your dog can do for you and they will come every time when they are called.
To teach your dog to come while using a leash when you are walking by you suddenly stepping backwards quickly with your right leg first if your dog is on your left side.
Continue stepping backwards as you call your dog to come to you. Step back for about 10 feet distance quickly. At first your dog will be surprised because you were just walking next to them and now your gone, stepping backwards.
This is good because it helps your dog learn you might move so they should pay attention. As you step backwards and call your dog, you will gently use the leash and turn your dog to come to you as your stepping back, praise and call your dog to sit in front of you as you stop about 10 paces back.
When you stop, gently lead your dog to stop in front of you and ask them to sit.
This can be done any time you have space while walking your dog. Do this often and soon your dog will be coming to you when they are called on and off leash to sit in front of you.
Always praise, praise and praise.
Always say your dogs name before you use a command or ask them to do anything except stay or wait.
All other commands should begin with your dog's name so they know you are talking to them and not the other dog or person in the room.
A Trick for a Sit
With your dog standing beside you rub your hand down the top line of his back, all the way from his shoulders to his tail.
Do it again and feel where the dog's hips join the body.
Now rub your dog's back starting before the hips to the tail, feel where the two bones are that stick up from the hips?
These bones will be well before the tail and behind the stomach on the overweight guys and girls.
Look after you feel and you should be able to see the 2 bones at the top of the hips on most dogs.
Using your free hand with your thumb and middle finger...place your hand on the bone area with the thumb Behind one bone and the middle finger Behind the other bone.
Then press your fingers gently down and a little bit together then see what happens.
There are 2 pressure points right there behind those two hip bones on the dog's back.
This is actually safer on the kidneys of dogs then pressing or pushing the dog down to a sitting position.
Especially if you are working with an older dog.
With large strong dogs and the well padded dogs you may have to use more pressure for them to respond. On small breeds, do not push them down at all, just pinch gently but firm enough to feel.
Now, if you praise the dog right away for sitting when you pinch the pressure point, the dog will be sitting in no time.
If you do not praise the dog, and get them sitting without having to use the pressure point often they will learn to wiggle out from under you and get away from sitting.
Your fault not your dog’s; do not get mad at them.
Timing is everything in dog training.
Have fun, lots of praise, pet them once they are in the sit position and not unless they are.
Then press your fingers gently down and a little bit together then see what happens.
There are 2 pressure points right there behind those two hip bones on the dog's back.
This is actually safer on the kidneys of dogs then pressing or pushing the dog down to a sitting position.
Especially if you are working with an older dog.
With large strong dogs and the well padded dogs you may have to use more pressure for them to respond. On small breeds, do not push them down at all, just pinch gently but firm enough to feel.
Now, if you praise the dog right away for sitting when you pinch the pressure point, the dog will be sitting in no time.
If you do not praise the dog, and get them sitting without having to use the pressure point often they will learn to wiggle out from under you and get away from sitting.
Your fault not your dog’s; do not get mad at them.
Timing is everything in dog training.
Have fun, lots of praise, pet them once they are in the sit position and not unless they are.
Always use your dog's name so they know your talking to them!
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Gucci from Sausalito |
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Dog Obedience Trainer
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