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Lesson 6 Leash Work 2
Using the Long Tracking Leash 2
This lesson for using a long tracking or trailing leash for search dogs is split
into 3 sections and postings listed at the right or at the bottom of this page.
The first lesson is Lesson 5 Leash Work 1The second section is Lesson 6 Leash Work 2 
The third section is Lesson 7 Leash Work 3
This 2nd lesson of 3 lessons in using a long leash for tracking and trailing continues where lesson 1 stopped.
Be sure to refresh yourself with lesson 1 before beginning this lesson.
This lesson begins by first using a person, children work great!
As a pretend dog for you to learn how to use the long leash without
getting caught up or tangled in the leash.
A dog can tangle and trip you in seconds, possibly injuring both of you.
Using this leash is not as easy as it looks but you will catch on quickly if you
follow these instructions.
1. Have your pretend doggie stand with their back to you; hook the snap of the long leash on the person’s waist band or belt loop at their back.
2. Hold a piece of the leash about 2 feet from the snap in your left hand.
3. Use your right hand to hold the rest of the leash.
4. Using your right hand, throw the entire long leash behind you.
5. Keep a hold of your dog with the leash in your left hand.
6. Do not pay any attention to the part of the leash you tossed,let it drag behind you.
7. Holding the leash in the left hand, use your right hand to take up a piece of the leash that is lying across your body. Now the leash is in both hands with maybe 2 ft hooked to your dog and the rest behind you on the ground.
8. At this point, you are ready to start moving.
9. Have your person start walking and as they walk away from you let the leash slide through your left hand and use your right hand to feed the leash to your left hand. Sounds tricky but once you get the hang of it; this really makes using the leash easy.
10 Have the person stop walking and as you walk towards them, pull the leash back to you with your right hand sliding it through your left hand.
11 As you walk and pull throw the extra leash you pull in with your right hand behind you. Just toss it and keep walking.
12 Keep practicing with the person going different speeds and stopping.
13. Once you are comfortable using the leash like this then have the person make turns and go in different directions just like a dog does.
Practice this until you know what you are
Then go to the Next Lesson

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