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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lesson 16: Collar on right?

Collar Knowledge

Is the Choker on Right or Wrong?

Choker style collars and the prong training collars are made to be used to correct a dog during training sessions. The collar should be 3 inches larger then your dog’s neck for proper action to happen when you pull the leash.


Before we go any further in training let's discuss the correct way to use chain training collars on dogs. I see more and more dogs wearing the steel prong type training collars everyday. It's a shame because this type of collar was not invented to be worn everyday or every time the dog is walked.


We could go over all of the reasons why this type of collar is not recommended and why in thirty years of working with large strong dogs I have only had to use this type of collar once on a Doberman I rescued from a dog pound in the 70’s. He was old and set in his aggressive ways but after three ten minute sessions using the prong training collar correctly  he never had to wear the collar again.


The dog learned what he needed to be shown and the collar was no longer needed, its purpose done. I still have to collar and not once have used it on another dog.

Instead of telling you the damages that can be done with the use of these collars I'm going to show you how to use this collar and the common Choke Chain style of collars so you will not have to use these collars all the time.


Both collars are made to work on the same principle. I will be showing you as I do in the obedience classes I teach by using a common choke chain and my hand.  


Choke Chain from Amazon

The Prong Training Collar

The Humane Style Choker is safest

These types of collars are not meant to be worn without a leash and handler because the collar can become caught and choke the dog to death. This happens much more often then heard of and this is why the collar is called a choke chain.  Not because you choke the dog to get them to obey.


To use these collars properly you do not choke the dog or pull on the collar forcing the dog to behave. There is a correct way to use these collars for what they are intended for, which is as a training aid.


The choker with the ring on each end is used for demonstration because this collar has a right and wrong way of being placed on your dog while the other type simply slips on or snaps onto your dog’s neck.


The choker is the easiest example to use to show you how these collars work.  If the choker is on wrong then the chain will snag instead of slip correctly.


To get the choker ready to put on your dog, first you should learn the difference of right and wrong. First put the chain in the ring to make a circle that will tighten when you pull the ring. Next, the collar must tighten then release instantly and respond immediately with the leash action.


The Right way is pictured below.

Right way

The collar pictured above is in the proper or right direction for a dog that will be walking or handled on your left side on a leash.


To get the collar in the right direction before placing it on your dog, you turn the collar over after you make a circle until the ring the leash will snap on is up with the chain going down through the other ring then back upwards. (See image)


When the collar is on the dog in the wrong direction the chain will not loosen on its own. The collar will snag or remain tight on the neck when you loosen the leash which gives you no control.


The collar pictured is in the wrong direction,
Wrong way

Place a collar on your arm or your dog in both of these directions and then pull the ring, you will see the difference.


To change directions of the collar when you are holding it up like below, simply flip the collar over to your other hand by holding the top and the collar will be in the other direction. This is easier to show you in person but with practice you will see the importance of learning this when working with your dog. 

Lesson 17  explains why this is important and how to use these training collars correctly.

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