Family Disaster Dogs News
Along with working on the Family Disaster Dog manual which is almost finished, Amber's been putting together and planning for Free Community Family Disaster Dog Meets here on the Oregon coast.
9-11 Rescue Dogs and All War Dogs Tribute
This Month is
National Disaster Preparedness Month in America
In Memory of Sue |
From the CDC;
Preparedness for All Hazards
Emergency preparedness requires attention not just to specific types of hazards but also to steps that increase preparedness for any type of hazard. The resources at CDC site are intended to help people take an all-hazards approach to preparedness.
In Memory of Jed Clampett's Remmington Thank you Pam Andrews Sire to many of the author's Wrinkledpups Bloodhound line of Search Dogs |
Stay Informed
Being prepared means staying informed. Check all types of media – Web sites, newspapers, radio, TV, mobile and land phones – for global, national and local emergency and survival information. During an emergency, your local Emergency Management or Emergency Services office will give you information on such things as open shelters and evacuation orders.
Learn how your dog can help you survive during emergencies and disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes,tornadoes and floods. If a family member or loved one is ever lost, your dog can find them if you know how to ask your dog.
Learn how on on the lesson page
Our Disaster Dogs come in all sizes