
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to All

Click here for more graphics and gifs!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Happy Holiday Graphics provided by


With all the hoop-a-la going on about the Mayan Apocalypse and how the world might end on 12-21-2012, I want to make it clear to visitors to this site that Family Disaster Dogs are not Doomsayers. 

We do not believe the world will end any time soon, and we are not preparing for Dec 21,2012 any differently then we are for any day when a disaster or chaos may hit. 

This is a dog training site dedicated to posting lessons by trainer Amber Higgins. The lessons tell pet owners how they can train their own family dog a few skills that can come in handy around the house and during emergencies situations.

A tracking lesson will be posted next.