
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Preparing for the worst disasters with your dogs

Check out our new online Classroom where you can learn how to train your dog in the comfort of your home at your pace. Once you sign up its good for life, no renewal fees.

My new girl in training


By preparing for the worst
You learn what to do
With practice your actions become habits
And turn the worst into steps you walk to survive
Fear is replaced with the knowledge of knowing what to do
Confidence is restored
Especially when you have a partner, you can count on…
Like your dog

In memory of Miss Daisy 2001-2013
Wrinkledpups Daisy Mayham

In Memory of Sue 1997-2008
Rea Valley's Incredible Sue
Certified Mantrailer
Book of Champions

Shop for Family Disaster Dogs t-shirts, mugs, dog items and more at our Cafepress store

Visit my Amazon Author Page to read my books for Free 

Check out my new children's book "My Puppy Can Find Me" Waldorf Publishing