
Friday, August 26, 2016

The Purpose of the Wrinkles on a Bloodhound

The Purpose of the Wrinkles on a Bloodhound

pictured my bloodhound Wrinkledpups Daisy Mayham (RIP) copyright Amber Higgins

Many people are amazed to see a bloodhound's wrinkled skin in person. This breed of dog is definitely a conversation starter while on a walk with its human companions as every bloodhound or wrinkled dog owner knows-everyone who sees your hound and doesn't know will ask, " Is that a bloodhound?" and "Look at all those wrinkles !" 

Did you know there is actually a purpose behind all that loose skin on these dogs? Let's explore why bloodhounds have really loose flexible skin, loads of wrinkles and long long ears, especially as pups.

Mother nature and intentional breeding methods have created dogs in every size and style of coat imaginable. Especially with the popularity of designer dogs or the mixing of purebred dogs. The bloodhound is one of the oldest breeds of purebred dogs bred exclusively to find people not hunt animals. The loose skin and long ears are on these dogs are for a reason and do serve a purpose which helps this breed excel in its work and be a specialists in what they do. 

This dog breed is Not named a Bloodhound because the dogs track blood trails. They smell much more than only blood !

No, the dogs are named bloodhound because the blood lines were recorded and kept by monks for hundreds of years-so the dogs were first known as "blooded-hounds". They are the first recorded pedigreed dog breed thanks to the monks! Look up the Chien de Saint-Hubert and St Hubert hound for more about the history of this wrinkly pup.

The loose skin and wrinkles falling all over the pups face sometimes is not fun for the dog. Imagine looking down a flight of steps and as you bend your head down, all your hair falls in your face, covering your eyes! This happens with loose dog skin too!

Many bloodhounds are very reserved, wary and can appear shy to people who don't know them. The dogs are known to be reactive sometimes, meaning they may react in strange surroundings by bolting away from what has suddenly drawn its attention. 

The dogs will often spook at loud noises and flashes of objects or movement. Not all Bloodhounds do this but many do and it's actually nothing to do with being shy or scared it’s more about not being able to see when the skin is slipping around on the head, also the dog is being smart and savvy trying to get away from what they cannot see.  

I learned this first hand from Incredible Sue, who would not let anybody touch her unless she had found them in work or lived with them and I for at least six months. She would follow and find anybody and proved to be incredible in many ways.

"Rea Valley's Incredible Sue" My first Bloodhound 1996-2006
Born in Indiana, raised and worked in Arkansas, retired in Oregon

Bloodhounds will look afraid to us when most of them are not, the dogs are only getting the bearings on their surroundings and using their senses to figure out what the noise was or flash of movement was from under a ton of wrinkles and loose skin that gets in the way.

Good trailing Bloodhounds can be very wary and shy of new things because they are always ready to work a scent so they pay attention to nothing but the nose.

When the bloodhound nose is down the eyes are covered by wrinkles and folds of skin that capture and trap scent around the dog's face and nose as the dog moves. The long ears have a purpose to flap side to side as the dog is moving, fanning the air up from the ground into the wrinkled face.

The Bloodhound's amazing scenting abilities rely on the nose and not eyesight so having wrinkles fall over their eyes is natural for them but this does lead to a sometimes clumsy dog and puppies who will accidentally walk into a wall. Going up and down steps can be troublesome for young dogs when the skin on their forehead fall over the face and eyes get covered as they look down steps and from high places.

Read more about How a dog uses its nose >>>>click here to go to the page 

Go to Family Disaster Dogs to learn how any dog can rescue owners and family

Get my Bloodhound books 

 Wrinkledpups Daisy Mayham

Sambo 1999

Monday, August 15, 2016

Prepare-Snake Free Camp or House

Proven Snake Prevention

by Amber Higgins 

If your situation is snake free....(mine is these days) check out the updates located at the bottom of this post...workshops coming and other good news !

Summer time evacuation and bug-out locations, dog training and camping outdoors could put your family in danger of running into a snake or waking up in the morning to a snake in the tent. 

I used this remedy while living off-the-grid in the Ozark mountains where poisonous snakes are very common. I've had rattlesnakes in kitchen walls, dog kennels, the house ceiling and outhouse plus we had copperheads crawling across the living room floor towards my child ! 

Keep in mind, the ingredients can be harmful to humans, pets and other animals. 

I found that my livestock,dogs and chickens never noticed or were inclined to eat this remedy at all but to be on the safe side use common sense when applying this remedy outdoors and place it hidden or out of sight where snakes like to lurk and sleep but others living beings can't reach it. 

Good spots are under the building and decks, behind the firewood stack, outside of and out of reach around fences and livestock pens, most of all around or in the outhouse hole ! The children knew to leave this remedy alone or we would have snakes.

If I did not do this simple trick each spring we had snakes everywhere ! It worked every time.

Rattlesnakes often run in pairs

One of the most frightening things can be finding a snake in the bug-out camp, home or yard.

Snakes are Dangerous if surprised !!

This simple snake remedy can help to make your home or camp and yard safe and free from snakes.

Depending on how large of home and yard you have...

Buy enough boxes of Old Fashion Moth Balls ( not cedar scented) to surround the area and an extra box or two for snake hiding places.

How to use the Snake Remedy.

Buy Old Fashion Moth Balls.

Do Not get the Cedar scented ones.

Using a handful of Moth Balls toss them so they fall about 6 inches to a foot apart.. this takes a little practice.

Walk and toss them as an invisible fence around your yard and living area.

Toss extra Moth Balls under the house and buildings, behind and into firewood piles

Under equipment that is outdoors and in your area.

Around old cars or other hiding places on your property.

Any place you can think of where there may be a snake, toss a few moth balls.

Don't forget to put moth balls out before you do the yard work in the spring.

Wash your hands when finished.

The Moth Balls last for months depending on how much rain the area gets.

If you find a snake or it rains for many days then its a good idea to replace them.

You can also place the moth balls in cans,bottles or bags and set the container around your camp or bug-out shelter.

The odor and fumes close to the moth balls deters the snakes and other animals too so it does not kill them but because the snake uses its tongue to collect scent and navigate along the ground where the fumes are, the snake senses the moth balls long before it is close enough to be harmed. They turn and go another way which is what we want them to do, go elsewhere. This is why I always throw the moth balls all around the perimeter of  the area to make an invisible fence which keeps the whole area safe.

This has worked for rattlesnakes, copperheads and black snakes. 

Be Safe !


Coming Soon "My Puppy Can Find Me " children's picture book ! 

My soon to be released book teaches your children and your dogs how to work with you so nobody is ever separated, lost or missing plus what to do if the child is lost. 

Get the Family Disaster Dog Book or Ebook by clicking here --only $8.99 or $9.99 

The book fits perfect in a Bug-out bag and in the Family Disaster Dog Saddlebags so you can read it or use it when you need it the most ! 

That cute little guy is named Dumpster, he came with his owner John to the Family Disaster Dog book signing at the library. He enjoyed trying on and showing off his new bug-out bag ! we still had adjusting to do when this pic was taken.

I was thinking of offering The Family Disaster Dog Go-Bags here on the site and hand packing them with you,your dog and your families survival needs but I think it would be easier for both of us if I give you the opportunity to shop for yourself and choose what you will need in your area or situation along with the items recommended in a  my Bug-Out Bag or 72 Hour Survival Kit list for you and your dog.

Shop for your preparedness needs at the new Family Disaster Dogs home site and amazon store by clicking here   

Thank You for supporting and sharing these sites for me so I can continue to provide search and rescue knowledge and lessons to help you keep yourself and family safe  !

A Family Disaster Dog Bug-Out Bag
Last but not least...

Join me to talk dogs at Lovejoys Teahouse in Florence Oregon on August 27th 2016 for a book signing, meet and greet cup of tea ! Hope to see you there between 1 pm and 3 pm.

Coming Soon... Family Disaster Dog Workshops..sign up for the newsletter at

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Your Invited -Let's talk dogs !

Tate Publishing and Enterprises
The Lord gave the Word; great was the company of those that published it.”
-Psalm 68:11

Family Disaster Dogs Book Signing Event

You are invited to attend a book signing for author
 Amber Higgins:
click here to read books

August 27 2016 at 1pm-3pm
Lovejoy's Tea Room 
195 Nopal St, Florence, OR 97439

Please join Amber Higgins for this special event.
Be sure to invite a friend! 
Family Disaster Dogs makes a great gift!

We hope to see you there!

Copies available in Florence at Lovejoys Tea Room, Reining Cats & Dogs, Twin Lakes Store. 

Coming Soon "My Puppy Can Find Me " children's picture book ! 

Amber Higgins soon to be released book teaches your children and your dogs how to work with you so nobody is ever separated, lost or missing plus what to do if the child is lost. 

The book fits perfect in a Bug-out bag and in the Family Disaster Dog Bug-Out Bag so you can read it or use it when you need it the most ! 

I was thinking of offering The Family Disaster Dog Go-Bags here on the site and hand packing them with you,your dog and your families survival needs but I think it would be easier for both of us if I give you the opportunity to shop for yourself and choose what you will need in your area or situation along with the items recommended in a  my Bug-Out Bag or 72 Hour Survival Kit list for you and your dog.

Thank You for supporting and sharing these sites so I can continue to provide search and rescue knowledge and lessons to help you keep yourself and family safe  !  


Family Disaster Dog Bug-Out Bag