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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Spotting the Signs: How to Know if Your Dog is Ill

They say that dogs are man’s best friend, and this is certainly the case. They are so much like humans in every possible way, and they can also contract disease and viruses as well. If your dog is acting a bit strange or if you suspect that there is something wrong with them but you don’t quite know what then there are some things that you can look out for.

Loss of appetite

If your dog always licks their bowl clean then you know that loss of appetite is a clear sign that something is not right. If you try and give them a treat or a biscuit and they don’t snatch it out of your hands then this is another sign. 

The main thing that you can do here is try and figure out if you have done anything to bring this on- for example, have you changed their food? Has the manufacturer of that food changed their formula? Things like this can really make a huge difference. Try and feed them another brand of food and see if that makes any difference.


Another sign that something might be wrong is if your dog is lame or if they seem to be under some kind of strain. This could be down to arthritis or it could be a sign that there is a problem developing. One thing that you can do here is check over your dog’s legs to see if there are any signs of injury and to also see how they react when you handle their leg as well. Ingrown claws can cause a ton of problems, so you really need to make sure that you get this treated if possible.

Dogs will take the occasional knock when they are out and about, and they will usually get better in a day or two. If you see any lumps that aren’t getting smaller after a day or two then it may be worth you getting them checked out at the vets. This is one of the best ways for you to keep your dog safe and to also make sure that it is nothing serious.

Bad Breath

It’s important to know that bad breath in dogs can be a sign of gum disease, and this can make them feel a bit under the weather. When your dog has gum disease, you may find that they are sluggish, that they don’t want to eat and that they also don’t want you going near to their mouth. The best way for you to try and prevent this from happening would be for you to give them dental sticks or to even try and brush their teeth with a pet-friendly toothpaste. This will help the gum disease that is already present and it will also help you to stop things like this from happening again as well.

So there are plenty of things that you can do to try and make sure that your pet is healthy, and by looking out for the above signs, you can be sure to prevent or treat any illness before it progresses into something more serious.

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