
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Everything You Need To Know About Leaving Your Dog Home Alone

Everyone has contrasting opinions on the topic of leaving your dog home alone. Some say you should never ever do it, others have a more flexible approach to things. To help clear things up, here’s everything a dog owner should know about leaving their dog home alone.

Give Them Some Space

The worst thing you can do is leave your dog locked in a cage all day long. Instead, you should really give them a little bit of space so they can move around and have some fun. If you’re worried about them running all over the house, then try restricting their space with indoor dog fences. Give them a section of a room to start with, then gradually increase the space they have when they’re more at ease on their own. 

Don’t Leave Them Unattended For Too Long

Leaving your dog on its own can be okay, but you can’t leave them unattended for too long. There are many reports that dogs shouldn’t be left alone for more than four hours. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible for busy people that own dogs. If you care about your dog's well-being, then try and stick to that four-hour mark as much as you can. If you think this is impossible due to work commitments, then there are two ideas for you. Firstly, consider putting your pup in dog daycare, so they’re looked after throughout the day. Alternatively, get a dog sitter to either watch them all day or come in after four hours to spend time with them and let them outside to walk and pee.
Walk Them Beforehand

Before you leave your dog alone, make sure you take them on a nice long walk. Give them the bulk of their daily exercise right then, so they’ll be nice and tired when they get home. Hopefully, they should sleep for a few hours after that, which helps you know that they’re not bored or wreaking havoc in your home!

Leave Them With Some Food & Water

Clearly, you don’t want your dog to starve or go thirsty when you’re not there. So, leaving them a little bowl of food and water will do the trick. Don’t pile the food on, and don’t leave too much water. Otherwise, your dog will just eat too much and drink loads, making them fat - while also making them need to pee more!

Install A Dog Door Flap Out To Your Garden

One really clever idea is to install a dog door flap on the door that leads to your garden. This allows your dog to go outside if they have a burning urge to go to the toilet. It also lets them go out if they get too hot inside. Dog flaps are like cat flaps, just a bit bigger!

Personally, I think you should try and avoid leaving your dog home alone as much as possible. Obviously, it’s unavoidable in some scenarios, so make sure you pay attention to the tips mentioned above. I also suggest giving your dog plenty of attention when you get home, so they know they’re loved and appreciated.