
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

House Dogs Help Owners in Emergency and Disasters

Any house dog can help its human family during emergencies and disasters. 

The most important aspect of learning how your dog can help your family during a disaster or afterwards is that while you and your dog learn these exercises in my book you will begin to understanding the fundamentals of surviving the aftermaths of emergencies and disasters.

You will learn what to do to save yourself and family.

Freddie Knows!

House dogs do this every day by showing us when they want to play with a favorite ball or go outside for a walk. Most dogs are not obedience or police dog candidates; they are pets whose owner takes the time to show them what we would like them to do.

House dogs are preforming search dog skills all the time without us recognizing or knowing they are. When the family dog follows the children around the yard or comes to find you at dinner time they are doing what search dogs do.

One of the easiest ways to find a lost person is to give a dog the person's scent and watch him find the scent. The dog is only looking for the smell and not for the actual person. They do not necessarily associate the scent with the person unless the person is somebody they know with that scent. 

To a dog, a scent is a scent.

Therefore, the fastest and surest way to teach or ask a dog to find a person is to use the person's scent to show them who we seek. No two people smell alike. Everybody smells different and we smell slightly different at various times during the day or if we are sick.

Learn more in the new edition of the Family Disaster Dogs Book available in paperback only $14.99 for 147 pages of fun easy lessons and games do do at home with your pet dogs

Kindle for any device only $4.99 free preview and share in the Kindle lending library

 This makes a great gift for any dog owner.

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From the author and founder, Amber Higgins

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