
Saturday, November 3, 2018

Learn how Your dog is a Family Disaster Dog

New edition has 50 more pages of lessons..Check it out Free Preview and please share so others learn too. Available in Paperback and Kindle

What is a Family Disaster Dog?

( From the Family Disaster Dogs Book)

A Family Disaster Dog is a family pet who has learned how to rescue its family and assist others during emergencies. To learn these valuable skills dog owners only have to add a few search dog skills from this book to their daily schedule.

The lessons in this book will explain how you can teach your family and pets vital skills to use in case a disaster ever hits home.

When the huge earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011 the tsunami that was generated spread as far as the Oregon Coast where I live. Our local emergency warning system and tsunami sirens had the whole town awake at three in the morning.

During the tsunami warning I sat prepared and waiting to evacuate with my retired Search and Rescue Bloodhound, Daisy. As I watched Daisy sleeping on the sofa the idea came to me for this book.

The average family dog could assist its owner just like search dogs do. The family dog is already on site which would save valuable time. Yes, I could teach people how their family dog could rescue them during earthquakes, floods and tornado.

The more I thought about the idea the more lessons came to mind.

These are those lessons penned with Daisy at my side until the end of the first draft like she would have been to the end of a trail. She helped me start this site. Miss Daisy passed away as this book came to the end in Sept of 2013. 

Bloodhounds taught me that one of our biggest fears and chores during a disaster is losing or finding a loved one. Twelve years spent training them and other dog breeds in search dogs skills taught me that every dog has the ability to find its own family members or friends.

Dogs do these skills on their own every day without us noticing.

Teaching your family pet to come to the aid of the family during an emergency is not as difficult as one might think. Our dogs are usually following us around very willing to offer a helpful paw whenever we need one.

All we have to do is learn how to ask the dog for help in unusual or disaster situations.

These lessons take into consideration that family dogs come in all sizes, shapes, ages and personalities like the families they are a members of. Each lesson is tailored to fit into a family situation instead of a formal show dog and obedience classroom.

For this reason, this book is not the ordinary step by step manual of how to train your dog to be on a leash doing exactly what you say. Search dogs have to think on their own like family dogs do while interacting in human lifestyles which makes a family dog the ideal student for search dog purposes.

Read more in the book and at Family Disaster Dogs online

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From the author and founder, Amber Higgins

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