
Friday, May 31, 2019

Tips that will Keep your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

When you take your dog to the vet, there is a high chance that they will stress the importance of brushing your dog’s teeth. The problem is that most dogs won’t just sit there and let you brush their teeth for them. They’ll probably squirm, wriggle away and just make it hard work in general. If this sounds like your dog, then there are a few things that you can do to try and keep your dog’s teeth healthy and clean without the drama.

Feel Good Food

Feeding your dog good food will help them in more ways than one. Quality food that includes whole ingredients will nourish their body and it will also help them to have strong and healthy teeth. If you can, you should avoid foods that are made with cereal grains, meals and even by-products. The main reason for this is because they are much more likely to stick to your dog’s teeth and they may even cause them more problems in the future.

Vegetables and Fruit

Dogs love snacks. A lot of dog owners also love giving them as well. The problem is that a lot of snacks are awful for your dog’s teeth. This is especially the case for ones that are high in cereal grains, fat or sugar. If you want to give your dog a healthy snack that won’t harm their teeth then consider carrot slices, apple and even squash. As your dog chews these food products, the plaque will slowly be scraped off their teeth and this can work wonders for their gums. Of course, when feeding your dog treats like this, you have to make sure that you don’t feed them more than 10% of their daily allowance.

Dried Meat Treats

There are a huge range of meat treats out there for your pet and they will give them an excellent amount of chewing action. They will help to keep their teeth clean and some of them can be really good for their immune system too. If you want to give your dog some treats then consider beef eats, dried tendons or even snouts. Sure, they might not seem the most appealing to us, but to a dog, it’s a tasty treat that will always be gratefully received.

Chew Toys

If your dog loves to chew then don’t be afraid to let them. Give them a hard rubber or even a nylon chew toy. As your dog chews away, they will be scraping their teeth, and this can help to prevent plaque build-up. If you want your dog to get the best result, then you need to give them the toy at the end of every meal. If you want to give them some great dog food, then check out these Freshpet reviews.

Raw Bones

Bones are great for keeping your dog’s teeth healthy. The best bones are ones that are uncooked and large. This can include cow bones. If you give your dog bones that are too small, then there is a high chance that they will splinter and break. They may get stuck in your dog’s mouth and this can cause you even more problems in the future.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Why Stimulation Is Great For Your Dog

What's the overriding contrast when comparing dogs and cats? Dogs are just way more energetic.

They are incredibly playful, curious and they love to take risks. That’s actually why we love them though, because we can understand their emotions that are much more visibly on display. But let’s not forget they are pets, and sometimes we need to stop them from doing silly nonsensical things. 

Digging up the backyard for no apparent reason being one of them. They get their nose right into the soil and dirt, as well as their paws and coat which just makes for one giant clean up job when they come back in the house. Stimulation is great for your dog, because after all their senses are way more advanced and powerful than our own. Here’s how you can help them enjoy and explore with them but in a sustainable way.

Let them chew

If you come home one day after work and find that your table or sofa has been chewed up, calm down. The only person should blame is you, because this is essentially a cry out for help. Dogs that are locked in the home for the majority of the day will feel trapped and even though they might look calm, certain trigger actions will show their angst. 

So, allow them to chew on other things such as bones, chew toys and give them harder chewy treats. To support their teeth so they can chew to their heart’s content, take them to a low cost dental care for dogs where they can get a clean up done. It's done under general anesthetic and the company also provides post-clean oral products.

Double the fun
Dogs love to run and play, it's when they’re at their most stimulated. However, humans can only play with dogs a certain way. We usually play fetch with them which gets boring not just of the owner but the dog too. So, you should try to arrange a play time with another dog owner so that both your dogs can meet up in the park and run around together. 

Dogs often play fight which just can’t happen between man and beast, so allowing them to play bite, roll around and jump on each other is going to excite them. Fulfilling that need to hone their primal instincts, they will chase each other around and go sniffing places together as well. By doubling the fun, you also get some time to enjoy the park, sit down with a cup of coffee and watch them have at it.

Paying attention

A simple game you can play at home is the three cup treat. It's a easy as it sounds, because you get three paper cups and show the dog a treat in your hand. You put the treat underneath one of the cups and you mix them around. Then allow the dog to guess with their paw and if they get it right they get the treat. It's a memory game but it's keeps them stimulated and it's simple bonding time too.

Dogs need to be stimulated, you can’t just switch them on and off. Give them something to chew on and also some general dental care so their teeth stay in good condition while they gnaw on bones etc. Arrange a double play time with another dog to really set their senses and excitement alight.

8 Ideas For Raising A Happy, Healthy Dog

When we decided to make a little furry, hairy or scaly addition to the family, we often picture ourselves with smiles on our faces as we enjoy all the good times spent together with them. We think about how fulfilling it will be, how much we will love them and all of the memories that will be made with them. Whilst they may not be fellow human beings, we still accept them as part of the family. Each and every animal has its own ways of being dealt with.

When it comes to taking in and loving a dog, then there are certain ways in which you should behave if you want to raise this beautiful creature properly. Dogs are amazing, and they will run through a brick wall for you, if you are ever in trouble so the right thing to do would be to show them all the love, care and attention in the world. 

If you’re new to all this, then it can be a little overwhelming – you are trying to keep something alive, after all! If that is the case, then let’s go through some things that may help you on your quest of raising a happy and healthy dog. 

Choose A Great Food Brand

They have to eat properly, of course. Now, you can hit your local pet store and find any old food that you deem acceptable for the puppy, or you can be a loving caregiver and do a little research into what foods your particular breed needs. If you can give them the best possible nutrition, then their fitness, health and overall contentment will be as close to perfect as you can get it!

Register With A Vet You Trust

The one sounds like another easy thought, but much like finding a particular doctor for yourself, it would be a good idea to find the right vet for your dog. We’re not suggesting that some vets are going to be mean and nasty, but everyone has their preference so perhaps search for someone that your dog will love to bits.

Check Your Dogs Health Regularly

You’ll obviously be keeping a keen eye on their life from day one all the way until their final days, but just be mindful of how their behaving or if their mannerisms change at all – it could mean more than just a subtle change in attitude. 

If you’re not an expert yourself, it may be hard to spot if your dog is struggling in terms of its physical health and you may struggle to determine whether something is serious or not. In this case, using pet technology products might be the way to go – things like heart-rate monitors and other tests can be bought and used by owners. It’s better to be sure than to assume.

Walk Your Dog Daily

They’ll need to be active every day so remember to pop their leash on and take them for a stroll. Some dogs can and need to walk for longer distances than others, so you’ll need to figure out just how much exercise your particular baby is going to need.

Play With Your Dog

They’re naturally playful animals, traditionally, so you’ll need to let them have a little fun around the house and outside. You don’t want them bored and lounging around with nothing to do, so buy them lots of toys to play with and interact with them as much as you can!

Start Training Early

It’s all well and good showing off different tricks to your friends – shaking hands and making them wait for fetching a ball sure can be a hoot – but training is more than just little party tricks. Even when they’re young pups, it’s a good idea to train them in a variety of disciplinary ways so that they’re obedient and can protect themselves if things go a little wrong.

Show Your Dog Affection

They are warm-blooded creatures of this earth, so, as we mentioned earlier, you should treat them as though they are your own flesh and blood. They would do anything for you, so the very least you can do is love them for their entire life – it’s not hard to do. 

Include Them In Your Life

They’re not just for sitting around at home and looking nice. If you go out on vacation, think about bringing them along. If you’re heading out for the day, perhaps include them in your trip. Don’t just keep them for your own boredom, include them in your life and create amazing memories with them to reminisce about in the future.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Mastering The Art Of Dog-Walking

If you are thinking about getting a dog, you are going to need to think about a lot of different things in order to make sure that you really know what you are getting into. The truth about dogs is that they are a lot of fun, a lot of love and also a lot of energy - and you need to be prepared for that energy, otherwise you will find it considerably less enjoyable to be able to look after and have your own dog. There are a few things in particular you are going to need to focus on, and one of the main ones is walking them. Walking your dog is something that you will find is actually much more of an art than you might have thought, and requires a lot of skill and patience. Let’s take a look now and see what might be involved here.


If you are to actually provide the benefit that walking your dog has, you need to make sure that you are doing it as frequently as necessary. You need to be sure that you are actually giving them the exercise they really need, otherwise you might find that you are in trouble and not really doing it right. The frequency, however, along with many other things, depends on the dog. You need to do your research regarding the breed and size of your dog, and you should also just pay attention to your individual dog’s needs, as you will find that it might differ to what other people’s dogs are like, or even other dogs of your own. However, in time you will come to see the kind of frequency that your dog needs to go walking for, and that will mean that you know how much you need to make that a part of your daily life.


It’s great if you can develop some kind of a routine with walking your dog, so that you can help them to understand when it is time and when it is not. It can also help with some of the more difficult aspects of the process. For instance, a lot of owners will have trouble getting their dogs on their leads, but if you do it as part of the routine, your dog will soon get used to it and expect it, and even make it easier for you by sitting still for it to happen. Likewise, if you need to clean your dog's afterwards, you should make sure you do so in the same way every time, so that they will eventually play along. Visit to see some paw-cleaning products which can help here.


Finally, be sure to be clear on the length of time that you need to walk your dog for every time you take them. It should be enough to get them tired, as that shows that it is good exercise, but you should not push them too hard in case you end up causing them some damage. As long as you get this right, you can be sure that the exercise is giving them what they need.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Happy Spring Everyone!

From author Amber Higgins

Here's an update on what's happening at Family Disaster Dogs.

Centerfold from my new book My Puppy Can Find Me all rights reserved

I'm super excited to let you know that my children's book is available for Pre-order from Waldorf Publishing, yay!

The artwork is by my dear friend, UK Dog Cartoonist Helen "Scotty" King. Check out her dog cartoons, she can do one of your dogs too!

The book will be out in print on Nov 1, 2019 just in time for Christmas gift delivery. By pre-ordering today, you help my book get into major markets, like Walmart, Target and Barns and Noblie.. they like to see if anybody is interested in books before they place large orders from my publisher. I would really appreciate you taking a look at the book and placing an order so all children can learn.

Get your copy click HERE from Waldorf Publishing only $14.99

Here's what this book is about...

“Does your child know what to do if they are lost?”

“Do you know what to do if they are missing?”

My Puppy Can Find Me picture book is your child’s first step on an exciting learning experience that will teach them what to do if they are lost or find themselves alone. By reading this picture book with your children the whole family will learn what to do if they are ever separated or missing and how the family dog can be of assistance during emergencies.

This new concept of dog training teaches search dog skills to family dogs for in-home family rescue and missing person emergencies. Your children will learn valuable lessons by doing these fun exercises that reinforce and teach the pet dog and family to work together during crisis situations to overcome fear and survive.

The whole family learns how to use the family dog to the full advantage regardless of the age, size or breed of the dog. As a family member and part of the pack your dog always knows where each member of the pack is at, this is natural for the dog to know and we as dog owners only need to learn how to take advantage of this natural instinct our dogs possess.

 "My Puppy Can Find Me"

Get your copy click HERE from Waldorf Publishing only $14.99

More exciting news..I am training Mark Elliot and his black Lab, Bella to be a volunteer Search Dog Team that will aid in finding lost and missing persons along the central Oregon coast. They are doing great! This type of training takes 1 to 2 years of a couple days a week working on different scents, surfaces, and people in order to pass testing and certifications qualifying the dog and handler as a team. Follow their progress on our Facebook page Family Disaster Dogs

Check out the video of them training

I am also building an Online Virtual Classroom with Obedience and "Family Disaster Dogs" lessons available so everyone can learn in the comfort of their own homes how to teach your dogs basic obedience and other easy skills so your dog's can help you in emergencies. Next I will build a course from the "Evacuate with Your Dog's Help" book.

Included in each course is a copy of the book, videos, direct contact with me as your instructor, extra tips and tricks based on over 40 years of working with all breeds of dogs as a master all- breed groomer, breeder, trainer and Search dog handler.

   See the Classroom here

 I also have recently published the paperback edition of  "A Squirrel Planted an Acorn" on Amazon. The hardcover is a much nicer edition but also very pricey published in hardback so I made this paperback available at a much lower cost. The e-book is available with a free preview too.

See all my books on Amazon

I hope this finds you and yours doing great!

Feel free to give me shout on social media or email anytime.

Facebook  Page

Have a wonderful safe spring!

Amber Higgins