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Friday, May 31, 2019

Tips that will Keep your Dog’s Teeth Healthy

When you take your dog to the vet, there is a high chance that they will stress the importance of brushing your dog’s teeth. The problem is that most dogs won’t just sit there and let you brush their teeth for them. They’ll probably squirm, wriggle away and just make it hard work in general. If this sounds like your dog, then there are a few things that you can do to try and keep your dog’s teeth healthy and clean without the drama.

Feel Good Food

Feeding your dog good food will help them in more ways than one. Quality food that includes whole ingredients will nourish their body and it will also help them to have strong and healthy teeth. If you can, you should avoid foods that are made with cereal grains, meals and even by-products. The main reason for this is because they are much more likely to stick to your dog’s teeth and they may even cause them more problems in the future.

Vegetables and Fruit

Dogs love snacks. A lot of dog owners also love giving them as well. The problem is that a lot of snacks are awful for your dog’s teeth. This is especially the case for ones that are high in cereal grains, fat or sugar. If you want to give your dog a healthy snack that won’t harm their teeth then consider carrot slices, apple and even squash. As your dog chews these food products, the plaque will slowly be scraped off their teeth and this can work wonders for their gums. Of course, when feeding your dog treats like this, you have to make sure that you don’t feed them more than 10% of their daily allowance.

Dried Meat Treats

There are a huge range of meat treats out there for your pet and they will give them an excellent amount of chewing action. They will help to keep their teeth clean and some of them can be really good for their immune system too. If you want to give your dog some treats then consider beef eats, dried tendons or even snouts. Sure, they might not seem the most appealing to us, but to a dog, it’s a tasty treat that will always be gratefully received.

Chew Toys

If your dog loves to chew then don’t be afraid to let them. Give them a hard rubber or even a nylon chew toy. As your dog chews away, they will be scraping their teeth, and this can help to prevent plaque build-up. If you want your dog to get the best result, then you need to give them the toy at the end of every meal. If you want to give them some great dog food, then check out these Freshpet reviews.

Raw Bones

Bones are great for keeping your dog’s teeth healthy. The best bones are ones that are uncooked and large. This can include cow bones. If you give your dog bones that are too small, then there is a high chance that they will splinter and break. They may get stuck in your dog’s mouth and this can cause you even more problems in the future.

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