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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

New for 2020-Certify Your Dog as a Family Disaster Dog free membership and lessons

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Hi everyone,

With the New Year here and the world off to a roaring 2020 start, I want to offer everyone who is interested in using the skills taught here on Family Disaster Dogs and in my books a way to show off their own dog's skills.

I'm offering everybody who uses these lessons a Family Disaster Dogs Certification of accomplishment with your dog's name, picture and date of certification signed by me, the author and founder of Family Disaster Dogs lessons, books and blog.

I am so proud of all the dogs and owners worldwide who have supported and learnt from the information here and in the books. You deserve a pat on the back for taking the time to prepare your family for hopefully what shall never happen but if a disaster or lost person incident happens, YOU are READY !

How great is that!!

Go Dogs!!!

Yay! Family

Here is the page to more lessons

I hear and see comments everyday on social media about how well you all are doing learning these useful Family Disaster Dog skills. It's great to hear from you all and see how well your dogs are doing! The response is what keeps me writing and adding more information for everyone.

Become a Family Disaster Dog member

Here's what to do to become a Family Disaster Dogs member and a Family Disaster Dogs Certificate

You can get one certificate for each of your dogs (cats, rabbits, horses, any other welcomed too) in their name.

Children's book participates can request a certificate for each child and dog "team" who practice the lessons in My Puppy Can Find Me picture book.

Send us or post to one of our social media pages below, a picture of your dog wearing the dog go-bag, or doing any lesson from the Family Disaster Dogs book or children's book, My Puppy Can Find Me.

You can also send a picture of yourself or child with one of the books, here I am visiting dogs while the owner reads my book.

You can also tell us in a comment below or posted to social media about what your dog, child or family has learned for a certificate.

click to Email Us

Facebook us at Facebook page  join the group there too!

Twitter @URDogCanFindU

Instagram @familydisasterdogs

At the sites below you can leave a book review when you read or buy one of my books then email me so I can send your certificate.


Amazon Author Page

Here's a few of our members

Introducing Daisy Mae Parker

Ms Daisy Mae Parker
has a Go-Bag ready

Introducing Buddi Dog

Dixie and Buddi
Dixie can find people
Buddi carries a Go-bag

Introducing Dixie

Introducing Mt Tom's Dazy

Mt. Tom's Dazy
Is ready to evacuate

Introducing Mt Tom's Karl

Mt Tom's Karl
is learning to find family

Introducing Mt Tom's Fia

Newest member Mt. Tom's Fia
Puppy is ready!

Sign up for updates or follow us to see more new members and get your dogs a certificate too!

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Pet CRP Course from Dr Libbie Fort

Freddy says learn CPR!
Buy or Read for Free on Kindle the Family Disaster Dogs Books click to my Author Page

Hi everyone,

One of the most important skills we can learn to be ready for emergencies is CPR. ( Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) This emergency lifesaving procedure is performed when the heart stops beating.

Studies and practice have proven that Immediate CPR can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest. A heart does not have to have medical issues to stop beating, some animals can die of fright or from trauma. Rabbits and some birds are super sensitive and the shock of a traumatic situation has been known to bring on death. CPR immediately does work, I have used it on newborn pups with success too.

CPR can be preformed on dogs and cats too, in a very similar way as human CPR with the right positioning of the animal and the number of compression and breaths.

I wrote an article about K9 CPR back in 2012 at the time, there wasn't as much information about how-to do K9 CPR as there is today. I encourage you to make sure you have an educated source to teach you because so much on the internet is fake.

I'm happy to update you and others about the correct way to preform this life saving maneuver.

Today, I want to share some very valuable information and a course with you about how-to perform CPR on your dog from veterinarian Dr. Libbie Fort DVM

On her blog this week she is sharing an introduction to canine CPR where she tells us about the three major things we need to know for successful canine CPR.

Here's what Dr. Libbie wants us to know;

"I summarize the three things that you must understand. The three concepts that will benefit you or your dog-- if you know and understand these concepts prior to learning canine CPR.

Knowing how to perform EFFECTIVE canine CPR is an essential skill and a vital tool to have in your tool box, because we do not have 911 for our pups. We do not have emergency medical services... yet."

So click here to head on over to the blog and read about the three core pillars to effective canine CPR. And get excited to learn doggo CPR in the weeks to come!!

Inside this live training, complete with a PDF workbook and a Q & A at the end I will walk you through:
  • An easy to understand introduction to canine CPR where we define our goals and our role as a first responder- so you fully understand the method behind the madness, which promotes retention
  • Step by step initial assessment- so you can diagnose the need for CPR quickly and accurately
  • The latest recommended technique- including chest compressions, mouth to snout, and how to monitor.... so you know without a doubt if it is working
  • An easy to remember roadmap to canine CPR success- I am taking away all the guesswork with this one!
  • And finally... continual access to a password protected members area where you can watch the replay at your leisure for review... I will also be posting updated recommendations in this area so you stay current!
  • **JUST ADDED** A wallet size downloadable canine CPR reference card- to jog your memory in the moment when seconds matter.
Feel free to reach out with any and all questions.


Libbie Fort, DVM

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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Tracking and Scent Discrimination

Buy or Read for Free on Kindle the Family Disaster Dogs Books click to my Author Page

Tracking and Scent Discrimination

This article explains how your family dog can tell the difference between you and another person or object. This information applies to Family Disaster Dogs, Tracking Dogs and Trailing Dogs as well as any dog who is using its nose to find an object, person or pet.

Scent discrimination can be a complicated and complex subject.

When I was first learning Bloodhound handling and training with my dog Sue, our SAR dog mentor and instructor, Lt. Ezra Roberts explained the basics of scent discrimination to me in what I continue to believe is the easiest way possible.

Me and Sue

I smile in remembrance of Ezra as I write this..I could not of asked for a better mentor.

He said, " When a Bloodhound smells a chocolate cake they smell every ingredient of the cake. The flour, sugar, eggs and coco while other dogs smell only the chocolate cake. "

This is the difference between a dog trained to scent discriminate. They smell one scent out of many many scents.

Dogs that are not trained to scent discriminate will search for only one scent, such as, live human scent but not each individual person within that human scent. They will find any human scent and all human scent in a certain search area by air scenting, tracking and  grid working. They will find every person or object's scent they are trained to find, such as bombs, drugs, human live and remains. They are trained using only one scent article or smell.

Other dogs are trained to find many different scents or a scent they are given by the handler. These dogs are scent discriminating when they find a drug or object the handler asked them to find.

Service dogs who are trained to get the newspaper, slippers and dropped items of their owners are scent and sight discriminating. They know your slippers from another person's slippers.

Bloodhounds are different in that they process the ability to scent discriminate naturally. When a Bloodhound is given a scent article they start looking for that scent without much training at all. The handler gets most of the training and not the dog.

We do not train Bloodhounds they train us. Family dogs of all ages act naturally like the Bloodhounds when they stay close to their owners, follow the owner around the house or bond with a special family member.

These dogs are choosing to discriminate. All dogs can discriminate and they do naturally.

It is up to us humans to take advantage of this natural ability in the dog and teach our dogs what we wish them to find or who.

Cert. Mantrailer " Rea Valley's Incredible Sue" 1996-2008 

Sue's pups went to work as Search Dogs too
14 states in the USA!
Canada and So. America too

Rea Valley's Incredible Sue is featured in this book !

Featured Lesson

Tips and How to Evacuate with Your Dogs Help

 How to Evacuate with Your Dog's Help click above to see my book! If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters, such as hur...

Author Amber Higgins

Author Amber Higgins
Click Pic to Visit my author page

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Disclosure: Some of the links on this site are affiliate links that I have reviewed and approved. Additionally links to products such as at Amazon are products I have personally used. Affiliate links means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase. The proceeds earned are not much and used to keep this Family Disaster Dogs website free to the public. Thank you for your support.

Welcome UK and Worldwide Visitors

Welcome UK and worldwide visitors and friends to Family Disaster Dogs online! Although I'm an American author and dog professional the worldwide web has given me the opportunity to connect with some wonderful folks who have contributed pictures for my books. The "Start Mantrailing" book features RRI K9 North Scotland trained Search and Rescue Dog "Amber" on the cover and her teammates training in the book, plus American dogs using my training methods. A portion of sales of the Start Mantrailing book or copies were donated to RRI North Scotland. The children's picture book "My Puppy Can Find Me" has my daughter and bloodhound as illustrations by UK cartoonist Scotty King. You can find the books on Amazon UK or use the contact page to order from me. When you click the links will take you to your own county pages of this site.

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There are well over 250 pages that have been published here at Family Disaster Dogs since 2011.

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