
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

New for 2020-Certify Your Dog as a Family Disaster Dog free membership and lessons

Buy or Read for Free on Kindle the Family Disaster Dogs Books click to my Author Page

Hi everyone,

With the New Year here and the world off to a roaring 2020 start, I want to offer everyone who is interested in using the skills taught here on Family Disaster Dogs and in my books a way to show off their own dog's skills.

I'm offering everybody who uses these lessons a Family Disaster Dogs Certification of accomplishment with your dog's name, picture and date of certification signed by me, the author and founder of Family Disaster Dogs lessons, books and blog.

I am so proud of all the dogs and owners worldwide who have supported and learnt from the information here and in the books. You deserve a pat on the back for taking the time to prepare your family for hopefully what shall never happen but if a disaster or lost person incident happens, YOU are READY !

How great is that!!

Go Dogs!!!

Yay! Family

Here is the page to more lessons

I hear and see comments everyday on social media about how well you all are doing learning these useful Family Disaster Dog skills. It's great to hear from you all and see how well your dogs are doing! The response is what keeps me writing and adding more information for everyone.

Become a Family Disaster Dog member

Here's what to do to become a Family Disaster Dogs member and a Family Disaster Dogs Certificate

You can get one certificate for each of your dogs (cats, rabbits, horses, any other welcomed too) in their name.

Children's book participates can request a certificate for each child and dog "team" who practice the lessons in My Puppy Can Find Me picture book.

Send us or post to one of our social media pages below, a picture of your dog wearing the dog go-bag, or doing any lesson from the Family Disaster Dogs book or children's book, My Puppy Can Find Me.

You can also send a picture of yourself or child with one of the books, here I am visiting dogs while the owner reads my book.

You can also tell us in a comment below or posted to social media about what your dog, child or family has learned for a certificate.

click to Email Us

Facebook us at Facebook page  join the group there too!

Twitter @URDogCanFindU

Instagram @familydisasterdogs

At the sites below you can leave a book review when you read or buy one of my books then email me so I can send your certificate.


Amazon Author Page

Here's a few of our members

Introducing Daisy Mae Parker

Ms Daisy Mae Parker
has a Go-Bag ready

Introducing Buddi Dog

Dixie and Buddi
Dixie can find people
Buddi carries a Go-bag

Introducing Dixie

Introducing Mt Tom's Dazy

Mt. Tom's Dazy
Is ready to evacuate

Introducing Mt Tom's Karl

Mt Tom's Karl
is learning to find family

Introducing Mt Tom's Fia

Newest member Mt. Tom's Fia
Puppy is ready!

Sign up for updates or follow us to see more new members and get your dogs a certificate too!

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Come back soon to see new Family Disaster Dogs articles. New books coming soon.
Have a great day with your dog.
From the author and founder, Amber Higgins

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.