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Saturday, January 22, 2022

3 Great Methods Of Disciplining Your Dog Correctly

Image Pexels-CCO License

No matter how lovely the disposition of our dog is, it’s true to say that they only really behave if we teach them to do so, and show the correct boundaries. This doesn’t mean we need to use aggression or force in order to teach our dogs what not to do - in fact, that can constitute abuse, and even if it didn’t, is painfully ineffective a technique to start with.

Dogs learn through repetition and reward, and also routine. They learn in seeing the boundaries they must not cross, and slowly developing a sense of obedience to you as an owner, provided you cultivate that authority correctly. This is important even in small dogs, which many people tend to neglect because of how seemingly harmless they are - leading to unwarranted aggression whenever pet or attended to. 

What appropriate advice is there for disciplining your dog correctly, especially when bringing a rescue pet home? This is worth planning ahead of time, so you can utilize all of your practices and hire potential training services well in advance. With the following advice, you’ll be more and more able to achieve proper ownership:

See A Worthwhile Trainer

Trainers can help get to the core of the behavioral patterns of your dog, out-training bad habits, and training new and better responses to your commands. Trainers can also allow your dog to learn in proximity to other dogs, which is essential for them to adapt so they don’t feel dismayed or react aggressively when seeing them. A worthwhile trainer can also help your dog learn to become more confident, and more obedient to your commands. It’s a growing process, but it works well.

Keep Consistent In Your Lessons

It’s important to stay consistent in the lessons you give your pet. If they are told not to jump on the sofa one day, but another day you’re happy to allow that, then they get mixed messages, and cannot understand why you’re disciplining them for doing something you have otherwise accepted before. Of course, they don’t rationalize in this way, but they do have trouble adapting to your authority if they don’t have clear guidelines to do so. This is why giving them a clear alternative you point your focus towards, that is your large dog bed properly placed, can make such a big difference and retain that consistent obedience.

Provide Clear Instructions

It’s important to provide clear instructions as to why you are unhappy or happy with your dog, and why that’s the case. For instance, dogs learn new tricks when performing an action, given vocal positive feedback, and a treat. You can also use this technique to show them when you’re not happy, such as using an authoritative tone, no treat, and pointing to the part of the sofa they’ve scratched. Consistent repetition of this can help them learn to gauge your reactions, and they will subconsciously understand how to alternate their behavior given enough time.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to discipline your dog correctly, with care, attention, and diligence. This is how great pets, and great owners as a consequence, are made.

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