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Friday, January 27, 2023

Hidden Dog Costs You May Not Be Prepared For

Are you worried about the costs of owning a dog? If so, then it might be worth thinking about the different expenses that you need to manage. Some of these are widely discussed by pet owners and others are less apparent. Here are some of the costs that you might not be fully prepared for. 

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First, you need to make sure that you are thinking about the cost of insurance. Insurance costs always increase as your dog gets older. The reason for this is that they are more likely to have issues with a variety of health conditions as they age. That’s why you might want to consider switching your insurance provider once your pet reaches a certain age. This is similar to how the initial insurance you choose will not be suitable for the entire life of a car. You need to choose another plan that matches your budget and your requirements. 


It’s also worth considering the cost of food for your pet dog. Some dogs will require a special diet. This is a problem because it means that you’ll need to spend extra money on food. Some food is also recommended but not required. For instance, you could have a yorkie. If that’s the case, then you need to know about yorkies and their vitamins. These vitamins will help ensure that they stay healthy in the long term and avoid some of the typical health problems that can develop as dogs continue to age. 


Next, you should think about training costs. Training a dog will take time. This means if you don’t have the right amount of time, you’re always going to struggle to ensure that your dog is as obedient as you need. Professional trainers are available but they do cost money. It’s also worth noting that some dogs are more difficult to train than others. As such, it can take more time with an increased number of lessons to get them to learn what they need. This is something that you will definitely need to consider and keep in mind if you are thinking about getting a larger breed of dog. 


Finally, when you have a dog, you may need to manage the cost of kennels and fit this into your budget too. This will be important if you are planning on still going on trips but you don’t want to take your dog with you. There are different kennels available at a range of budgets. As such, it’s just a matter of finding an option that matches your price point. You should also make sure that you are checking the reviews to ensure that a kennel will provide the standard of service that you expect. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key costs that you may not be prepared for when you have a dog. By factoring these into your budget, you can guarantee that you’ll have a more clear picture of the costs that you will incur as a new pet owner.

Monday, January 9, 2023

How To Make Sure Your Dog Remains Fit & Healthy

 Looking after your dog is about much more than showing them love - though that is of course very important too. It’s also a case of making sure that you are doing everything you can to keep them as fit and healthy as possible. This is the kind of thing that might actually be more challenging than you first think, and if you are currently just thinking of getting a dog in the near future, you might want to be aware of some of the following. Let’s take a look at how you can ensure your dog remains healthy throughout their life.

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Walk Them Every Day

This is the main headline need that most dogs have. Your dog needs a lot of exercise - quite possibly more than you assume at first - and you need to make sure that you are helping them to get it. This means taking them for a walk once a day. And for some breeds and dogs, that might increase to twice or even thrice a day. You can also try to provide them with plenty of space to run around at home, if possible. If that is not possible, even more walking might be necessary.

Feed Them Regularly

The regularity of feeding is hugely important, just as it is with human beings. See for more on this. You need to make sure that your dog actually knows when their food is coming each day, because this actually helps them to regulate their metabolism, and that is vital for ensuring their ongoing good health too. So feed your dog regularly, at two or three of the same times each day, so that they are more likely to have a decent regularity in their internal system as well. That is more important than most people give credit for, so make sure not to overlook it.

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Provide Them With Plenty Of Nutrients

One of the main things with regard to their food is that it is actually a complete diet. There are a couple of main ways you can make sure of that. One is by ensuring you feed them with so-called complete dog food. This is food which has all the nutrients and minerals a dog needs. The other is to occasionally feed them other vegetables that you know are good for them. If you look at you will see that spinach is particularly packed with minerals and nutrients your dog needs, for instance.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Finally, a word on providing plenty of fresh water. If you are not doing this, it doesn’t really matter what else you are doing. Hydration is even more important to dogs than it is to us, because they lose a lot through panting. You should always provide it as much as possible, and you should make sure they especially have a lot of cool, fresh water in hot weather, or after exercising. As long as you do that, it is going to make a huge difference to how healthy and fit they are.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Train a Dog to Find People for Fun Sport and Work on Audible Kindle Amazon Paperback

Now on Audible!

Start Mantrailing for Fun, Sport and Work 

Train a Dog to Find People

Mantrailing is a K9 Search and Rescue specialty that is quickly becoming popular as a sport and recreation for all dogs to enjoy. Mantrailing dogs use the nose to scent discriminate one person from all other people to locate the one particular person.

A truly amazing fact about Mantrailing is how quickly most dogs’ take to this type of training, and how quickly the dogs find people. Dogs love to use their nose to find people. The fun part of Mantrailing is that we follow the dog and allow them to lead the way!

By listening to this audiobook, you and the dog will be finding a person from the first day of training and beyond. Each training session uses a time tested and proven step by step method for solid reliable success on the trail. You will learn to read the dog, and the dog will learn to tell you what they find. Both of you will have a great introduction to the world of K9SAR.

This audiobook is suitable for training as a dog and handler team to work actual missing person’s incidents, sporting dog events, as well as a fun activity that will amaze you and anyone who watches a dog use its nose in the most incredible way. I encourage you to ask friends and family to participate by using the exercises in this audiobook for a fun outdoor adventure.

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 How to Evacuate with Your Dog's Help click above to see my book! If you live in an area that is prone to natural disasters, such as hur...

Author Amber Higgins

Author Amber Higgins
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Welcome UK and worldwide visitors and friends to Family Disaster Dogs online! Although I'm an American author and dog professional the worldwide web has given me the opportunity to connect with some wonderful folks who have contributed pictures for my books. The "Start Mantrailing" book features RRI K9 North Scotland trained Search and Rescue Dog "Amber" on the cover and her teammates training in the book, plus American dogs using my training methods. A portion of sales of the Start Mantrailing book or copies were donated to RRI North Scotland. The children's picture book "My Puppy Can Find Me" has my daughter and bloodhound as illustrations by UK cartoonist Scotty King. You can find the books on Amazon UK or use the contact page to order from me. When you click the links will take you to your own county pages of this site.

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