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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Fire Danger Spring Cleanup Can Start a Wildfire


Fire Warning Mowing and Weed Whacking Can Start a Wildfire

As a former volunteer fire fighter and K9 search and rescue team leader, I would like to let all of my readers know that in the windy dry weather conditions we are experiencing across the United States there is a danger to doing spring yard cleanup.

I want to ask everyone to Please try to do your best to prevent a fire so that you and neighbors do not have to evacuate or lose everything.  

As I write this article, we are experiencing an extremely windy low humidity day with very dry conditions due to less rain this spring season.  It’s perfect wildfire weather and there are many out of control fires burning in several states. 

Our county is under a Red Flag Fire Alert - meaning the possibility of a wild fire starting is much more likely due to the weather.  We are also under a Burn Ban - meaning Do Not Burn anything until further notice. 

We were going to do yard work today, rake or blow leaves, weed whack and mow for spring cleanup but I decided to follow my own instinct and experience to wait for a better day. 

I came inside to write this article instead.  Here are a few facts that may help you prevent a fire from starting.  

Please be careful outside. 

Yes, it is spring cleanup time of the year but mowing dry grass can potentially start a fire, especially during hot dry and extremely windy conditions like we have in many parts of the country.  

Fire Hazard:

Dry grass, especially when tall and "cured" (brown and brittle), is a significant fire hazard. 


These sparks can easily ignite dry grass, especially if the grass is very dry and the conditions are hot and windy. 


Lawn mowers and weed whackers, yard tractors and 4 wheelers can generate sparks from the engine, exhaust system, or when the blade or a metal part strikes rocks or other hard objects. 

Other Fire Hazards:

Besides yard equipment like weed eaters, even chainsaws, and vehicles parked in dry grass can also pose a fire risk. 

Additionally, camp fires and recreational fire pits should not be used. 


  • To reduce the risk of fire, it's important to: 

Mow during cooler hours: Early morning is generally the safest time to mow. 

Avoid windy or dry conditions: Do not mow when the weather is excessively dry or windy. 

Keep grass short: Trim grass and weeds to a height of 3" or less, especially within 100 feet of buildings or fences. 

Be cautious with yard equipment: Follow manufacturer's safety guidelines and be aware of potential fire hazards. 

Check for fire restrictions: Be aware of any fire restrictions or bans in your area.

Stay safe everyone and keep your dogs close! 

To prepare for evacuation please read my short but very helpful book here.   It’s free on kindle unlimited and audible. A paperback is available for a small fee to cover publishing on paper. 

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