You do not need any special equipment to begin training your family dog to assist your family and friends in a disaster or emergency situation.
Any dog, any age will help you look for lost family members or friends once you know how to ask the dog to help you.
Dogs are called Man's Best Friend because they are always willing to be there for us, ready to lend a paw whenever needed. With a little bit of education this natural instinct to please will come in handy during an emergency situation.
Equipment makes training easier but during an actual emergency, the equipment can be lost or not available due to location, rubble or flood waters. In that case, all you are left with is your dog.
Our dogs are the most important piece of disaster preparedness equipment we can invest in and throughout human existence the family dog has aided in human survival without any equipment but love.
All you need is;
1. The family Dog (any age will do)
2. One sock from each family member
3. Lots of encouragement, praise and love
4. Dog treats for the less inclined dog
Extra Equipment which is useful as training progresses includes;
1. 20 ft long leash in a width that fits your dog's size.
2. A Harness for your dog to do Tracking ( Tactical Harness )
3. Flat Collar with ID tag
4. A treat and equipment waist bag for you, a carpenter's nail bag works great!
5. A 24 to 72 hour Emergency Survival Pack (click for list)
6. Saddlebags for your dog to carry first aid and survival supplies. (Tactical bag)
There are recommended items below to build your pack with and the purchases help support this site-Thank you !
More Lists, instructions and details at posted at for your training advances.
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Be sure and bookmark us or subscribe at the button for email updates and tips.
Miss Daisy and Willie G ready for training in the rain.
Get the Supplies you need to Survive!
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The gift that saves!

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Get the Kindle book with easy dog training lessons that show your dog to find you !Get the Supplies you need to Survive!
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The gift that saves!
Dogs-Cats Emergency Kits
Dog Saddlebags for Bug-out evacuation
1. Med to Large Dog Backpack
1. Med to Large Dog Backpack
2. Med to Large Dog Saddlebags
3. Service Dog Removable Back Packs
4. Dog in Training Harness with ID
5. Service Dog Harness with ID
Tactical Survival Bracelet for you or attach to dog bug-out bag
7. Survival Kit fits in Bug-out bags
8. All-in-one Survival-First Aid Kit for Bug-out bags
and sheltering in place or auto, work and home
9. Bug-out survival Water Filters and Bottles
10. Water Filter in carry bag-3 way reusable large capacity
11. Survival Go-Bag for dog owners-backpack 4 person
12. K9 Tactical Vest Harness with tie bungees, pockets and more
13. K9 Mollie Bag-Harness-Tactical Bug-out with patches and pockets
14. Harness Lead Escape Resistant
15. K9 Vest Harness Camo Removable bags pockets
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