

Glossary of Words 
Used for 
Tracking Dog Training
Search Dogs
Bloodhound Man Trailing
Family Disaster Dog Training

Tracking: dog smells and follows the exact foot print of a person

Trailing: dog smells and follows the scent cloud left behind by a moving person

Laying a Trail: Making a planned course or route for the dog to follow

Trail Layer: Person who walks to make a trail and hides for the dog

Trail Markers: Tissue paper or biodegradable paper

Handler: Dog's owner-handler 

LKL: Last Known Location of the lost person

LKL = Also means Start of Trail

Tracking Dog: Follows the exact route or steps of a person determined by a            scent article which identifies the person 

Trailing Dog: Follows the scent cloud behind the person determined by a scent article which identifies the person

Area Search Dog:  Dog is released to scan an area for any human scent

Air Scenting Dog:  Smells the air for any scent they are trained to locate

Cadaver Dog: Is trained to find cadaver scent

Water Dogs: Indicate the location of a person underwater

Indicate: dog tells handler by barking, sitting or recall that the person is found

Read a Dog: handler looks for clues from the dog in order to understand what the dog finds along the way

Scent: Particles invisible to the eye that the dog picks up, similar to odors

Scent Article: A piece of clothing or an object the missing person touched that will contain the persons scent particles

Scent Pool:  An invisible pool of scent particles that settle into a small area around a person or object when the person or object remains in one place

Scent Trail: The scent left behind a person as they walk or move

These are only a few of the common words used in K9SAR to give you a basic understanding of what we are talking about. The meaning, use and word may be different in your area of the world.

See my books and what Bloodhounds taught me, along with German Shepherds, Malinois , groom dogs and wolves. Learn to read your dog and you may be surprised what you learn!

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From the author and founder, Amber Higgins

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