YES, You Can!
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All my books are available at bookstores and Walmart, Target, Barns and Nobles, and most retailers. If you don’t see a copy in the store ask them to contact thier book distributors to order them. The books are on
Kindle Unlimited, Audible (free if you’re a member) and paperback on Amazon worldwide. Scroll down the page to preview each book.
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Here’s a new children’s book I wrote for Christmas. Dedicated to the 2 bloodhound pups who’s journey led them to me after they were abandoned and rescued on a freezing mountain road.
The new book:
Step into the magical world of Lily and her beloved bloodhound puppy, Max, as they embark on an unforgettable Christmas adventure. One snowy Christmas Eve, Max's keen sense of smell leads them on a delightful journey, filled with the jingling of Santa's sleigh bells and the sweet scent of falling cookies.
New Book
Your Dog Can!
One of our biggest fears and chores during a disaster is losing or finding a loved one and every dog has the ability to find its family members or friends. We, as dog owners, only need to learn how to use the natural ability of the dog to the full advantage during emergencies.
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Latest Book Released Sept. 11, 2021
Release date in honor of 9/11 - K9 Search and Rescue Teams
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Train a Dog to Find People
Step by step for Fun, Sport and Work

Mantrailing is a K9 Search and Rescue specialty that is quickly becoming popular as a sport and recreation for all dogs to enjoy. Mantrailing dogs use the nose to scent discriminate one person from all other people to locate the one particular person.
A truly amazing fact about Mantrailing is how quickly most dogs’ take to this type of training and how quickly the dogs find people. Dogs love to use their nose to find people. The fun part of Mantrailing is that we follow the dog and allow the dog to lead the way!
By reading this book, you and the dog will be finding a person from the first day of training and beyond. Each training session uses a time tested and proven step by step method for solid reliable success on the trail.
You will learn to read the dog and the dog will learn to tell you what they find. Both of you will have a great introduction to the world of K9SAR.
This book is suitable for training as a dog and handler team to work actual missing person’s incidents or for sporting dog events as well as a fun activity that will amaze you and anyone who watches a dog use its nose in the most incredible way.
Since publication this book has helped start Search and Rescue Mantrailing dog teams all over the world! Thank you and congratulations K9 teams !
Start Mantrailing is the 4th book from USA search dog trainer and author Amber Higgins founder of Family Disaster Dogs
Go to Amazon author page for books clickHope you enjoy the Free Preview below!
Family Disaster Dogs
What is a Family Disaster Dog ?..It's Your Dog Trained to Rescue You!
Prepare for disasters with your dog's help!
These fun and easy dog training lessons are tailored for the family to learn rescue skills using the family dog in the comfort of the home during daily activities. Here's a few of the skills your dog can learn.
- Ask any dog to find family members and friends who are lost or missing !
- Learn how your dog can be a messenger dog !
- How any size dog can carry extra supplies if you have to evacuate.
- Learn how to pack and use a Dog Bug-out Bag 3 days of survival supplies for you and your dog.
- Teach your dog to alert you to danger and warning sirens with these easy at home lessons.
- If you are trapped in an earthquake, your dog can find you and dig you out or bring you first aid.
Your dog can help you survive until rescuers arrive !
Send your dog for help or to your partner or child on command, it's easy to do with this book.
A Popular Lesson Teach your dog to bring you items by name!
Learn K9 CPR, how to prepare for disasters and shelter-in-place as a family and much more !
Teach the whole family how to use the family dog as their own search and rescue dog in tornado, floods, earthquakes and to find lost loved ones !
Don't have a dog then this book is a great gift for a friend or neighbor who have a dog and they can come to your rescue too !
Use this book to form a neighborhood Family Disaster Dog group at church or clubs to help neighbors until emergency response arrives !
Don't be left wondering what to do if a major weather disaster happens in the community. Read over 60 easy lessons in the Family Disaster Dogs book.
Yes, Your Dog Can!
Every dog is a Family Disaster Dog!
Get a free membership and certificate for your dog by
sending in a picture of your dog doing one of the skills from this site or books.
We have Family Disaster Dogs all over the world !
The Family Disaster Dogs book is available in paperback, eBook and audible.
Click below to open and read a preview of the book
See all of Amber's books Click Here
How-to Evacuate with Your
Dog's Help
Updated Survival Supply list
This book explains how to teach any dog to carry a bug-out saddlebag and
what to do when evacuation is called for. It's a small but very important and helpful book!
Includes a detailed list of what items to pack for pets and people to survive once they evacuate, pet CPR and what to expect when you evacuate to a human community shelter with a pet. In the USA, there is now a law that states pets cannot be left in disasters. Read the book and learn what to do.
Every pet and person should have a bug-out bag ready in case they have to evacuate.
Click the image to see a Free preview of the book.
The Children's Book
My Puppy Can Find Me
Teaches children how to tell the family dog to go find Mom and what to do when somebody is lost!
This children's picture book is the most important lesson every child with a dog should learn to avoid every parent’s worst nightmare. “What to do if your child is missing."
By reading "My Puppy Can Find Me" picture book with your children the whole family will learn what to do if they are ever separated or missing, and how the family dog can be of assistance during emergencies.
Children will learn valuable lessons by doing these fun exercises that reinforce and teach the pet dog and family to work together during crisis situations to overcome fear and survive.
The whole family learns how to use the family dog to the full advantage regardless of the age, size or breed of the dog.
As a family member and part of the pack your dog always knows where each member of the pack is at, this is natural for the dog to know and we as dog owners only need to learn how to take advantage of this natural instinct our dogs possess.
The My Puppy Can Find Me children's picture book shows the whole family, young and old, how to use the average family pet as your own hero dog and search dog.
The valuable lessons you and your children can learn are:
- Young children learn how to tell the family dog to "go find parents"
- Children learn to wait in one place and play a game until adults find them (we cannot find a missing child if they keep moving away from the searchers, its best to teach children to sit and wait)
- Parents and older children learn how to tell the dog to go for help and find missing loved ones.
- Parents learn to ask the dog to find anybody
- Any age or size dog learns to go to family members or friends upon command like police and military dogs do. This skill can be used for carrying objects to a person or as a messenger dog.
- Any dog learns to show you how they can track a missing human pack member and find loved ones with these easy fun game like lessons.
- This book is for children 3 and up! This child version of the Family Disaster Dog book has easy to read familiar words and fun illustrations for your child to learn as they read.
Hear a Free Audible and Read a Free Preview at the book's Amazon page worldwide.
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Family Disaster Dog Chloe
Rest with love ole girl, 2016
She survive the Katrina Hurricane in Louisiana
to be loved by us for many years after
with metal pins in her legs and joy in her step
always a happy girl |
Dogs Can Rescue Us in a Disaster !
Any Dog Can Find a Lost Family Member and neighbors !
Ask me how or read my books!
Included is a complete list of what you will need to survive any disaster or emergency.
Don't forget to include a Mask in your survival gear now that we have to live with Covid19.
Equipment needed page click here
Glossary and Terms of Words Used to Train Search Dogs Here
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Click here to read more All photos and content copyrights reserved.
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Thanks for all your support over the years and be safe!
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