
Start Mantrailing

 Start Mantrailing 

Audible Book Images

Maps, Scent Cones, Pictures and K9SAR Training Log Sheet

This page contains the maps and training log sheet of the Start Mantrailing Audio book available at By Amber Higgins (USA) and narrartor Steven Smith (CAN)

The images below are the Maps and Log Sheet from the Start Mantrailing book.
For paperback and kindle eBook editions of this book visit >> the Family Disaster Dogs Book Page. 

Note from the book-

Below you will find examples of a trail layer map, a training map and the training log. Each day you train with your dog, be sure to fill in the corresponding training log page to track the dog’s progress.

At the start of the day’s training, the trail layer will be handed a map to follow and after the dog works the trail a different colored pen or pencil is used to draw where the dog traveled to find the person. 

Map 1

The maps used are similar to treasure maps with x marking the spot and dotted or different colored lines marking the path of trail layer or subject of the hunt. With lines added after the dog team has ran the course to show how closely the K9 team followed and find the subject. Maps do not need to be in color like the picture above that shows a basic hand drawn map in a rural area. An Urban map will be of city streets and buildings. Some people, including myself, prefer to draw maps at the scene or dog training session using pencils and paper while others use computer and cell phone mapping apps, GPS and Google maps. (Note: Mantrailing dogs do not follow the exact foot prints of a person-read the whole book to learn why)

Week 1 Trail Map


Trail Layer is the black line and dog is the blue.

Below are actual maps of a Mantrailing dog in training.

The red line is the trail layer and the purple is the dog team.


Scent Cones

Here is an example of a Training Log Sheet

Here's Pictures from the book..a photo album will be linked here soon for audible listeners.

These are only a few of the pictures of USA and Scotland UK dogs from the book, the step by step instructions included in the book have many photos. For all the photos, see a kindle or paperback copy or contact me for a PDF copy.

All Photos and images are NOT for download or any other use without written permission from the author; Amber Higgins ©Copyright 2021 

See the Book Page at Family Disaster Dogs for all my dog training books.

I hope you have a great journey learning how amazing your dog's nose and scent skills are! Click below for the Amazon book page.

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From the author and founder, Amber Higgins

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